Building a Brand is Hard

Nothing worth having in life is easy - getting married, getting divorced, having a kid, raising kids, and building a brand.

We started FlyDad with a dream to serve and honor fathers, and we continue to push even when it looks like nothing is happening.

Both Manny and I have come a long way... 

Manny was born and raised in the Bronx with no father in his life and no silver spoon in his mouth

I was a Russian immigrant who escaped communism and watched my family build a decent living from the ground up. Like literally from nothing.. $200 and a mattress

Manny has 1 divorce under his belt and I have 2.

Fuck the past. All we have is the future and our dreams. We WILL make FlyDad the illest dad brand on the planet and we will take you with us on every step of the journey.

We have had the good fortune to get business coaching from Ryan Daniel Moran from, and it has accelerated us in ways we could only dream of. Ryan is a successful entrepreneur with multiple 8-figure exits, and has a knack for teaching people how to do the same.

Ryan recently interviewed Manny about our journey, and I felt compelled to share. It is an excellent way for you to get to know FlyDad and what it takes mentally to launch this brand. Click here to listen